Learning with the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts

Welcome to IDFA Learning, our learning platform for CDFA professionals from across the country.  Here you can register for upcoming webinars, manage your Continuing Education requirements for certification, find blogs and articles on finance and divorce, watch past presentations, and more. Start learning today!


Upcoming Live Webinars

Stay current on the latest trends and best practices in divorce financial analysis. Brought to you by IDFA and subject matter experts in the field, get high-quality education and training without leaving your home or office. Practice Management Webinars do NOT qualify for CE Credit. 

Division of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)
This webinar provides a comprehensive overview on how to navigate the complex federal regulations governing the division of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) in the context of divorce or legal separation.
Valuation and Divorce
The presentation will go discuss all the aspects of valuing privately held business pursuant to an asset division in divorce. The presentation will discuss when a business needs to be valued, what methods are used, and the different types of reporting that will hold up court, mediation, collaborative law.

Watch Our Latest Webinars

On-demand webinars qualify for 1-hour of CDFA-CE credit for 3 months from the date of the live session. To receive credit, complete the corresponding quiz following the recording. NOTE:  Practice Management Webinars do NOT qualify for CE Credit. 

Membership Magic: Why You’ll Love Being Part of Our Community
Ivy Menchel and Lili Vasileff provide a brief overview of the national Association of Divorce Financial Planners (ADFP) and the evolution of divorce financial planning that gave rise to two unique organizations with synergistic benefits for members: the IDFA and the ADFP.
Achieving Amicable Settlement in Gray Divorce Using Reverse Mortgages
1. Overview of Peak 65 and Divorce Demographics 2. How the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Has Changed a. Consumer Safeguards and the 4 “Nevers” b. FHA Borrower Counseling c. Underwriting that Ensures Sustainable Solutions d. New Protections for Younger Spouses 3. What Happens at Loan’s End? 4. The Distribution Options a. Lump Sum “Buy-Out the Other Side” b. Tenure Payment “Mom Can Stay in the House Due to Improved Cash Flow” c. Line of Credit “Supporting Future Needs, ex. LTC, After Portfolio Has Been Split” d. Lifestyle Home Loan “Like Paying Cash for New Home with No Payments” 5. Case Studies in Gray Divorce 6. Conclusion
Practice Management: Find Your Niche: Define & Differentiate to Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment
Discover how to serve a new generation of consumers efficiently and profitably by defining your ideal client and specializing in serving their needs. If you were diagnosed with a rare disease, would you go to the general practitioner in town? Or would you find a doctor that specializes in cases like yours? The next generation of clients are seeking advisors who offer specialized services that reflect their unique needs, and delivering deep value takes a targeted approach.